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South Worcestershire Development Plan Examination – Inspectors express concerns

TP Editorial Team

The Government’s Inspectors have written to the three South Worcestershire Councils (i.e. Worcester City, Malvern Hills and Wychavon) setting out their concerns regarding the time being taken for the Councils to provide updated evidence documents in respect of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR). In a letter to the Councils dated 12th September 2024, the Inspectors observe that in the absence of an up to date and complete evidence base, the examination of the SWDPR cannot proceed.

The Inspectors observe that the examination has already been paused for 6 months, which is the usual time period that the Government considers necessary to allow additional evidence to be provided by the Councils, and comment that the Councils have already failed to meet their own suggested targets for providing the information requested. The Inspectors state that they will allow the current pause to continue until 31st December 2024, but thereafter if the deadline has not been met, they intend to bring the examination of the SWDPR to a close. An alterative would be for the SWDPR to be withdrawn.

Not surprisingly, the Councils have written to the Inspectors expressing their disappointment and concerns. In their letter dated 24th September 2024, the Councils confirm that they are “on track” to meet the Inspectors’ deadline and stress their commitment to the plan process.

Both letters can be viewed on the SWDPR Examination webpages via the following link:

We will continue to watch developments with the SWDPR with interest.


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