South Warwickshire Local Plan Update
Following the May 2024 local elections there has been an update from Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils on their joint local plan.
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover their combined geographic area to 2050. Tyler Parkes have submitted representations to the Councils previously on a number of prospective sites for development.
The next formal stage of consultation will be the Preferred Options, timetabled for late 2024.
The latest update has advised that following an analysis of the consultation feedback and evidence that the Dispersed Growth Option (Option 5) would not be taken forward. A supplementary paper behind the decision has been published.
Ongoing measures to de-carbonise transport includes a rapid shift towards non-CO2 emitting vehicles. This must mean the rationale for continuing centralisation is diminished. This is reinforced with increased levels of home-working and the potential for decentralised energy generation. It is likely this will be a main point for debate as the plan moves forward.
The implications of the decision to drop Option 5 will become clearer once the next formal consultation takes place.
The Council's updates also advise about further technical studies including:
* A Retail and Town Centres Study:
* Climate Change Evidence Base including climate change resilience in South Warwickshire
* A Green Belt Study to review Green Belt and ensure growth in South Warwickshire is directed to the most suitable areas.
If you have land interests in either Warwick or Stratford-on-Avon you might wish to contact us to see if involvement in the local plan process might enhance the prospect for its development.
