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TP Editorial Team

Sandwell Local Plan Consultation

Following Cabinet approval on the 11th of September, Sandwell Council is now consulting on the Sandwell Local Plan.


The Publication Plan sets out the final version of the Local Plan that will be submitted to the Secretary of State. Sandwell Council previously consulted on its Draft Local Plan in November - December 2023. The responses to that consultation have informed the preparation of the Publication Version of the Local Plan currently out to consultation. The Plan sets out a strategy for how much, where and what type of development will take place in the Borough up to 2041, as well as providing planning policies and site allocations to guide changes and new development proposals.​


The consultation runs until Monday 4th November 2024. Information on the consultation can be found here


If you would like more information or have land interests in Sandwell Borough that you would like to promote, please contact us on 0121 744 5511.



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