- John Baggott
Permission for 8 Houses
We are pleased to confirm that we have recently secured reserved matters approval on behalf of our clients for the erection of 8 dwellings in Sedgley, within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.
Tyler Parkes was successful in obtaining Outline planning permission in December 2018 for the development of 8 dwellings on a former contractors’ yard, with matters of layout, access and scale approved at that stage, leaving appearance and landscaping as the reserved matters.
The reserved matters scheme, designed by our in-house Architects, proposed traditional style brick built gabled roof properties with contemporary fenestration details. The hard and soft landscape scheme was designed with the assistance of Walsall-based Landscape Architects, Djogs Ltd. and includes significant levels of new tree planting along the site boundaries to supplement existing trees, with a landscape and ecology zone to the southern boundary of the site which falls within the Green Belt.
The Reserved Matters application was approved by Council officers under delegated powers, on 10 February 2022.