New Prior Approval Fees Introduced
Following amendments made to various Permitted Development rights in 2020 and earlier this year, the Government has now introduced new associated fees in respect of the necessary Prior Approval applications.
Coming into force on 30th July 2021, these Amendments to the 2012 Fee Regulations introduce new applications fees in respect of the following General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) Prior Approval applications:
Part 1, Class AA - Enlargement of a dwellinghouse by construction of additional storeys – Fee payable is £96.
Part 3, Class MA – Change of use from Class E (Commercial, Business and Service use) to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) – Fee payable is £100 for each dwellinghouse created.
Part 7, Class M – Erection, extension or alteration of a university building (other educational establishments are NOT included) - Fee payable is £96.
The amendments also include so-called “double-charge” exemptions under Class AA (where a Class AA upward extension is combined with a full planning application) and under Class MA (where a Class MA change of use is combined with a full planning application). Provision is also made for a “second application” exemption (i.e. a “free go”) for Class MA Prior Approval applications only, subject to certain criteria.
Contact us should you wish to discuss the requirements and implications of these amendments.