May 2021 Update to Black Country Plan
The four Black Country local authorities have published additional evidence which will be used to inform the preparation of the Draft Black Country Plan. The local authorities involved are Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. You can view this evidence, plus a summary of each evidence base and frequently asked questions, on the Black Country Plan website Draft Plan Consultation Preparations Reg.18 (
The evidence includes:
• Black Country Housing Market Assessment (BCHMA) 2021
• Black Country Urban Capacity Report 2021
• Water Cycle Study 2020
• West Midlands Strategic Employment Sites Study 2021
The government encourages local authorities to publish their evidence base when it has been completed to keep local people informed and involved in the plan making process.
At this stage the Councils are not requesting comments on the information produced to date, but will be holding an 8 week public consultation on the Draft Plan in Summer 2021 where they will be asking for comments on the draft policies, draft land allocations and the information used to produce the plan.
Tyler Parkes will keep up to date on progress of the Black Country Plan – keep an eye on our website for details.