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Birmingham Plan Update - including 'Call for Sites'

Gail Collins

At their Cabinet meeting on 29th June 2021,Birmingham City Council decided to carry out a review of the 2017 Birmingham Development Plan (BDP), extending the plan’s period to 2042. This will be the overarching document setting out the vision, directions of growth strategy and development principles for the Birmingham.

Birmingham City have also launched a ‘Call for Sites’ to seek submission of potential development sites for assessment in a revised Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) evidence document and possible inclusion as a site allocated for development in the revised BDP.

The City Council recognise that one of the reasons for an early review of the BDP is the Government’s new standard method for calculating housing need which places a 35% uplift on the housing number of the top 20 largest English cities, including Birmingham. This has increased the City’s housing need number considerably when compared to the current housing requirement.

Many other significant changes in regulations, Government policies, permitted development and changes of use, and environment and climate change initiatives, have also all combined to require the Council to undertake a significant re-think of the growth strategy and where to direct development.

The proposed timetable for preparation of the BDP will be kept under review and updated as necessary in response to any changes to the planning system by central Government expected to be introduced towards the end of the year. The Council are looking to adopt the new BDP in 2025. It will supersede the Longbridge Area Action Plan (2009) Aston, Newtown and Lozells Area Action Plan (2012).

If you would like more information, or have housing or employment sites to put forward in Birmingham, please contact us for further advice.


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