Birmingham Consults on CIL Draft Charging Schedule
Birmingham City Council intends to submit a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule for examination.
In accordance with the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended), Birmingham City Council has published the following documents for consultation:
· The CIL Draft Charging Schedule
· Evidence to support the CIL Draft Charging Schedule
· A Statement of Representations Procedure
The six-week consultation runs from Monday 20th June 2022 to Monday 1st August 2022 and all comments must be received by 5:00pm on Monday 1st August 2022.
In comparison with the current adopted charging schedule and the 2022 draft consultation document, per sqm, residential development in the ‘High Value Areas’ is proposed to attract £125 and it is now proposed to charge £50 in ‘Low Value Areas’ (previously £0 in the ‘Low Value Areas’). Student housing in all non-Green Belt areas is proposed to increase from £69 per sqm to £125. Charging is now proposed for industrial/ warehousing development (£50 per sqm) and for office development in the City Centre (£25 per sqm).
The documents are available to view on the City Council’s website: Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) draft charging schedule consultation 2022 | Birmingham City Council and are available for inspection, free of charge, during the consultation period.