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  • Amanda Stobbs

Approval for NHS at St. George’s Hospital, Stafford

This sensitive development involved two extensions to the existing Milford House mental health unit in Stafford with external works including security fencing, additional parking and landscaping, located close proximity to residential properties. The proposals would provide the much-needed additional in-patient accommodation, improved operational functionality for health care and enhance the courtyard and gardens, thereby improving the amenity and well-being of patients.

Whilst the proposals were acceptable in principle local residents had concerns regards the height of the additional security fencing, the potential for noise from the increased number of patients using the gardens and the obstruction of views.

Working with the Council’s Planning Officer, the scheme was amended with the retention of existing timber fencing and off-setting of security fencing to reduce the effects of noise and visual amenity. It was also agreed that a scheme for the supervision of patients using the enclosed gardens would be implemented to reduce the likelihood of noise disturbance to neighbouring residents.

With all matters satisfactorily resolved, planning permission was granted subject to conditions on 17 February 2020.

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