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Helen Winkler

Bromsgrove ‘Call for Sites’ and Local Plan Review

It is anticipated that Bromsgrove District Council will consult on their Local Plan Review Issues and Options Update, and also undertake a ‘Call for Sites’ during the 6 weeks from 30th September to the 11th November 2019. Councillors considered the proposal at Cabinet meeting on 4th September and Council will make a final decision about the consultation at their meeting on 25th September 2019.

When the Bromsgrove Local Plan was adopted in January 2017 it did not allocate enough land to accommodate their housing requirement and an early review was needed to accommodate the unmet need of 2,300 houses up to 2030. The forthcoming consultation proposes a new plan end date of 2040 which, it suggests, would necessitate the allocation of more housing land to provide for a minimum of 379 new dwellings per annum/ 6,443 up to the 2040. It is very likely that some Green Belt land will need to be released to accommodate some of this housing need.

If you have any sites that you would like to be promoted through this process, please do give us a call as soon as possible!

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