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  • Gareth Jones

New Car Storage and Distribution Centre Approved

On behalf of their clients, Dealership Developments Limited, Tyler Parkes has obtained permission for a new car storage and distribution centre on a long derelict site within a commercial and industrial area in Planetary Road, Wolverhampton.

Dealership Developments Limited is the development arm of Rybrook Limited who will operate from this site. Rybrook operate BMW and Mini dealerships across the West Midlands. This site will become the central location for their regional premises.

A ‘hybrid’ planning permission, comprising outline consent for a Class B1/B2 & B8 industrial/warehouse development and detailed permission for a single large building for the same use/s, had been granted in March 2018. Our application was for Reserved Matters approval under the outline element, for the erection of a building for the preparation, storage and repair of vehicles, a single storey office/canteen building and for the open storage of vehicles. Tyler Parkes prepared and submitted a detailed Design and Access Statement to accompany the application, and handled the application through the process.

The Planning Officer was very positive and helpful in seeking to address various detailed queries which arose, including boundary treatments and drainage: whilst these are covered by conditions on the outline consent, the Planning Officer was particularly keen to ensure that the reserved matters approval would be compatible with those details which will be needed to discharge these various conditions.

Approval was granted at the beginning of April and it now remains for the various pre-commencement planning conditions to be discharged.

When complete this development will provide a significant enhancement to the character and amenities of the area.

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