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Revised outline scheme for 8 dwellings approved in Sedgley

John Baggott

Tyler Parkes is pleased to have successfully secured a revised Outline Planning Permission for the erection of 8 dwellings on behalf of our clients in Sedgley, Dudley.

The application site is 0.37 hectare piece of previously developed land, used as a contractors yard, within an otherwise primarily residential area in a highly sustainable location. The site is fronted by a locally listed building; is covered in part by an area Tree Preservation Order; and, the rear section of the site falls within the Green Belt.

Outline permission was previously sought, and secured, by Tyler Parkes for the residential redevelopment for 7 dwellings, with access, layout and scale approved. Tyler Parkes had successfully argued the site was a previously developed site and the removal of the non-conforming use as a contractor’s yard with proposed housing would have demonstrably less impact upon the openness of the Green Belt than the current use of the site, providing real opportunities for enhanced biodiversity and habitat creation.

The revised layout for 8 dwellings, with a mix of detached and semi-detached properties, was again supported by Dudley Council’s Planning Officers and the application was approved on 7th December 2018, subject to conditions, under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.


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