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Approval for Green Belt Hotel Extension

TP Editorial Team

We have successfully argued very special circumstances at committee to obtain planning permission in the Green Belt for a 23-bedroom extension with spa at Hogarths Hotel in Dorridge, Solihull.

Hogarths Hotel and its grounds extend to 10.5 hectares, all lying in the Green Belt. Following the granting of planning permission in 2011, the hotel currently has 49 bedrooms and associated infrastructure. Despite being in a countryside location, the hotel is well positioned, being less than 3 miles from Solihull town centre and close to the M42.

The proposal would assist in the continuing success of the business which has resulted in it becoming a significant local employer and supporter of other businesses and suppliers, producing substantial knock-on benefits for the local economy. The scheme, designed by architect Architon LLP, comprises a combination of one- and two-storey development sitting alongside the previously built extension. Whilst the proposed development would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and should not ordinarily be approved, in this case, very special circumstances were demonstrated by us and supported by the Council. Glenda Parkes, Director at Tyler Parkes, provided a detailed supporting submission, setting out very special circumstances that would outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and any other harm and as such, there was no reason for the Council to withhold the granting of planning permission for the proposal. This included that the scheme would make a significant contribution to the local economy including additional employment opportunities. The Council confirmed our view and recommended approval for the scheme. The proposal had to be referred to the Government Office due to its scale, but the proposal was not called in and Solihull Planning Committee unanimously resolved to grant planning permission.


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