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Stratford consults on Site Allocations Plan and SHLAA

TP Editorial Team

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has just started a 6-week public consultation, ending 6th March, on the revised scope of its Site Allocations Development Plan Document.

The Site Allocations Plan (SAP) is one of a number of planning policy documents that, when adopted, will be used by the Council to help make decisions on planning applications across the District. It will also enable communities to know where new development may happen in the future.

Stratford’s original intention was that the SAP would identify additional sites for housing development to supplement the strategic sites identified in the adopted Core Strategy. However, the Council considers sufficient housing provision has been made in the Core Strategy and through planning permissions to meet the housing requirement identified for the current plan period to 2031. The focus of the SAP will now be on the identification of ‘reserve sites' in accordance with Policy CS.16 in the Core Strategy. Such sites will only be released selectively if one or more of the circumstances identified in Part D of that policy apply.

A key stage in identifying reserve sites for housing development will be an up-to-date Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). This is currently being produced - landowners, developers and other interested parties are encouraged to submit land to be considered for inclusion as potential ‘reserve sites' in the SAP.

The SAP will also cover a number of other matters, including the definition of Built-Up Area Boundaries for a wide range of settlements and the identification of sites for Self-Build housing schemes.

If you have any sites within the Stratford District Council area which you would like assistance our putting forward as a potential reserve site or have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 744 5511


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