- TP Editorial Team
Success for EcoPerches in the Cotswolds AONB
We are pleased to announce that we have received another approval from Cotswold District Council for development on the Farncombe Estate which is located close to the village of Broadway in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The proposal is for the demolition of the existing building known as ‘The Cottage’ to provide additional car parking and the erection of three EcoPerches for hotel accommodation.
The EcoPerches, which have been designed by the company BlueForest, will form part of the existing Fish Hotel and be of an attractive and outstanding design, located around three mature trees within the woodland area between The Fish and Foxhill Manor Hotel. They will be situated to the north of the recently approved Shepherds Huts.
Part of the proposal includes the demolition of ‘The Cottage’ to provide 11 additional parking spaces. The building is of no historical or architectural interest and there are issues with ground conditions on this site. The re-use of the site for car parking is much needed at this important entrance point to the Estate.
The scheme was discussed with the Council in detailed pre-application discussions which confirmed that, subject to the demolition of ‘The Cottage’, there would be no objection in principle to the erection of the EcoPerches.
The planning application was supported by detailed tree and ecological information and subsequently planning permission was granted.