12 New Family Homes in Cheltenham Secured on Appeal
We are delighted to have secured Reserved Matters permission for a development of 12 family homes, on Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of our client, Kendrick Homes Ltd.
The appeal site formed part of a wider mixed-use allocation within Cheltenham Borough Council’s Development Plan, with outline planning permission having previously been granted for the proposed 12 new homes, albeit with only the access to the site approved. Details of the proposed layout of the housing development, its scale, appearance and landscaping (the remaining ‘Reserved Matters’) had been submitted by Kendrick Homes.
Our client sought our assistance due to concerns regarding the time being taken by the Council to determine their application for the Reserved Matters. They particularly had concerns that the Borough Council was attempting to revisit the previously approved access details through their Reserved Matters application and were trying to link their application to the consideration of an adjacent, more widespread , housing development.
We submitted an appeal for Kendrick Homes against the Council’s non-determination of the application. We argued that the Council’s apparent attempt to incorporate what was a previously approved (in outline) free-standing site along with an adjacent application was unwarranted, and the attempt to reopen matters relating to access was without justification. During the appeal, working closely with our client, we were also called upon to respond to the Inspector’s specific additional questions regarding the access position as well as opportunities for future connectivity.
The Appeal was allowed on 17th June 2022.