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Wolverhampton Consults on its Local Plan

Gail Collins

The Council are currently consulting (until 10th April 2024) on its “Issues & Preferred Options (Regulation 18)” Local Plan.


The consultation is an opportunity for interested parties to get involved in the first stage of plan making and to let the Council know what its local plan ought to contain.


The new Wolverhampton Local Plan is designed to support the growth and regeneration of the city and to protect and enhance the area’s characteristics.  To do this, the plan will set out where new housing and employment development and infrastructure investment will take place up to 2042, areas of the city where development will be restricted, and areas of environmental and historic importance which will be priorities for conservation and enhancement.  The plan will also include a set of ‘policies’ which will be used to determine planning applications for a wide range of development proposals.


If you have any land interests in Wolverhampton and wish to get involved in the process, please contact us.


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