Unanimously Approved
We are pleased to announce that planning permission has been granted retrospectively for the change of use of a former guest house to provide much needed supported living accommodation for adults who are vulnerable to becoming homeless.
Following refusal of an initial application on grounds relating to access to services and facilities, inadequate car parking and lack of appropriate sewerage infrastructure a second application was prepared by Tyler Parkes to address these objections. The strength of the case made in support of the application enabled it to be referred to the Planning Committee with a recommendation for approval by officers.
Although the application was initially deferred for a site visit, this provided an opportunity for members to witness at first hand the benefits of the scheme in helping tenants with dedicated support to rebuild their lives, find work and secure a permanent home. Further testimony was provided at the following meeting of the Planning Committee at which the application was unanimously approved with measures in place for a management scheme and a travel plan to be provided.
With such a positive outcome, supported living accommodation can now continue to be provided for as long as there remains a need for it.
