Solihull Local Plan Review – Latest News
Since our update in February 2022, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) have responded to the Local Plan Examination Inspectors’ letter and submitted a number of additional evidence documents. The Inspectors had raised concerns about the soundness of the plan, particularly in relation to the deliverability of the Council’s estimates of the scale and timescales for development at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) as well as suggesting an extension to the plan period would be appropriate.
The Inspectors have now decided to reconvene the Hearing session concerning the NEC and the housing trajectory under Matter 12 (Housing land supply). The Inspectors’ guidance note explains that the 8th July Hearing session will only concern the following matters:
The Council’s suggested Policy UK3.
The delivery of housing on the NEC site – the Council’s position on the timescale and rate of development and additional evidence in support.
The Council’s amended stepped housing requirement, updated housing trajectory and position on housing land supply, including increased supply from a number of site allocations
It is anticipated that the Council will publish proposed Main Modifications (MMs) to the Local Plan for a 6-week consultation period soon after the conclusion of the final Hearing session on 8th July.
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