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Is This a Record?

TP Editorial Team

Tyler Parkes has secured planning permission in record time for the erection of an outpatients building at Haywood Hospital in Stoke-on-Trent.

Full planning permission was sought for the demolition and replacement of the hospital’s existing outpatients building which contains Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) within its roof. This is a form of prefabricated concrete plank which has become outdated and a national programme is underway to remove RAAC from all NHS buildings. Following demolition, the existing building will be replaced with a new and improved facility that will occupy the same site and therefore maintain an important physical connection to the main hospital building.

The application was submitted on 16th March 2023 and was unanimously approved by Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s Planning Committee just 4 weeks and 6 days later on 19th April 2023. The application was the subject of pre-application discussions with the Council, a community consultation exercise and a Planning Performance Agreement to ensure determination of the application within the timescale required by the client.

In recommending the application for approval, the scheme was commended for delivering significant and substantial community benefits whilst also presenting a modern, visually interesting building with no objections being raised to any aspect of the proposals.

The success of the project is testimony to the close working relationship formed between the Council and the project partners at the outset with particular thanks to the case officer at the Council, Mr Adam Kirkham-Ford, for his continued assistance and professionalism throughout in driving the application forward.

The architectural design was undertaken by BDP, project management by Tilbury Douglas Construction Limited and all planning consultancy by Tyler Parkes.


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