Coventry Consults on its Local Plan Review
Coventry City Council are currently consulting on their ideas for updating their Local Plan. Their ‘Issues and Options Consultation’ began on 18th July and runs until Tuesday 12 September 2023.
The Issues and Options consultation is the initial stage of the review process and is supported by a Sustainability Appraisal and an Equalities & Health Impact Assessment.
The document covers a range of issues and topics, proposing to review the following policy areas –
Health and wellbeing
Levels of growth and the Duty to Co-operate
Jobs and Economy
Retail and Centres
Green Belt and Green Environment
Accessibility / transport
Environmental Management
The Coventry City Centre Area Action Plan (AAP)
In addition, the City Council is running a ‘Call for Sites’, looking for sites to accommodate development over the plan period. If there are sites to put forward, this would be an opportune time to do so.
You can see the consultation here…
