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Gail Collins

Consultation on Commonwealth Games Legacy for Perry Barr

In anticipation of life after the Commonwealth Games happening next summer, Birmingham City Council has launched a public consultation for ‘Perry Barr: 2040: A Vision for Legacy’. This consultation seeks views on the future of Perry Barr, to inform a regeneration framework for the area, building on the Commonwealth Games as a catalyst for change.

As the first step towards agreeing a regeneration framework for Perry Barr, the Council has published a consultation document. The document sets out:

  • A Vision to unite stakeholders and a set of clear Objectives that identify the key themes that are fundamental to the transformation of Perry Barr;

  • Place Principles to deliver the vision. These are focussed on five themes: living and working, renewing and repurposing, connecting green spaces and places, promoting healthy communities, and delivering a thriving centre; and

  • Five Focus Areas that have been identified as having the potential to create substantial change to deliver the vision and clearly demonstrate how the masterplan can be implemented. These are Perry Park, Perry Hall Park, Perry Barr Village, Perry Barr Urban Centre and Walsall Road Corridor.

Whilst the document includes the Council’s initial ideas around how Perry Barr should evolve over the next 20 years, it is not a final masterplan, so they are asking for views to help to shape the final document.

If you head to you can view the document. There are also various online events, see;

The public consultation on the draft masterplan closes on 29th September 2021. Following this, the Council will take all comments into consideration and a final document will be prepared. The intention is to seek Cabinet endorsement in Autumn 2021 for the final Perry Barr 2040 Masterplan and Delivery Plan.

Please contact us if you would like more information.



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