- Gareth Jones
Success for Volvo Dealership in Preston
On behalf of our clients, Monte Blackburn Ltd, Tyler Parkes has recently obtained planning permission for the erection of a new Volvo Motor dealership, on land off the northbound slip road at Junction 31a of the M6, Bluebell Way, Preston. The development will replace existing premises in the City.
The proposal was the subject of a formal pre-application meeting with the Council’s planning and other officers representing Urban Design, Policy, Employment Skills and Financial Inclusion and Landscape. The Officers confirmed that although the proposed use was ‘sui generis’, not fitting within the typical Class ‘B’ ‘employment’ use generally associated with allocated employment land, a car dealership was accepted to be an employment-generating use and as such there was no policy objection to the proposed development at this site.
After commissioning various reports, we submitted the application in February 2019. An application for advertisement consent for new signage was made concurrently.
The building was designed to follow the corporate identity required for the Volvo brand, with the external facades finished in a combination of different cladding panels.
Various issues arose during the Council’s consideration of the applications, including the BREEAM credentials of the new building, but these were all addressed to the Council’s satisfaction.
The applicants were working to a specific schedule so we kept a close and continuous dialogue with the planning officers to seek to expedite an early decision. Planning permission and advertisement consent were granted in May 2019.
In consultation with the planners, who had been very positive and helpful throughout despite a very heavy caseload, pre-commencement conditions have been kept to a minimum.