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John Baggott

Appeal Success for Kendrick Homes

Tyler Parkes is delighted to have successfully appealed the refusal of an application for the development of 5 dwellings on behalf of our Clients, Kendrick Homes Ltd.

The appeal site consists of a 0.4 hectare piece of land located at the west edge of the village of Little Kineton within the boundary of Stratford-on-Avon District Council. Whilst lying beyond the settlement boundary, the site has been allocated for housing development, along with adjoining land, within the Kineton Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Full planning permission had previously been granted by the Council for 5 dwellings but despite this the Council refused our Client’s application on the grounds of the scale, layout and design of the houses proposed, as well as on highway safety grounds based upon the provision of an additional vehicular access over and above that previously consented.

In assessing the appeal, the Planning Inspector agreed with us and found that “the proposal would make effective and efficient use of the site whilst respecting the grain and scale of development that characterises Little Kineton”, and he concluded that the development would form an appropriate edge to the settlement. In highways terms, the Inspector was satisfied that excellent visibility could still be achieved even with the introduction of the additional access and he concluded that the effect of the development on highway safety would be acceptable.

The appeal was allowed by the Inspector, and planning permission was granted subject to conditions.

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