Approval for Conversion of Solihull Offices to Residential
Tyler-Parkes has secured Prior Notification Approval from Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council for the conversion of part of a large office building, known as West Court, Sapphire House on Streetsbrook Road on behalf of Streetsbrook Property Developments Ltd. The residential conversion will comprise the creation of 74 studio, one and two bedroom apartments.
The site is located just outside Solihull Town Centre in a highly sustainable location with easy and convenient access to a wide range of shops and services. It also has excellent access to public transport links, including being within close proximity to Solihull Railway Station.
The consent was obtained via the Permitted Development provisions of Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, as amended. This provision allows the change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from a use falling within Class B1(a) offices to a use as a Class C3 dwelling house without the need for full planning permission. The lawful use of Sapphire West, Sapphire House fell within Class B1(a) office use and, therefore, was eligible for his change of use. However, we were required to submit a Prior Notification Application on behalf of our Client covering various matters for consideration by the Council, including transport and highways, contamination and flood risk. Details of the external appearance of the building in terms of any changes associated with the change of use are the subject of a separate planning submission.
We are delighted to have secured the approval that involves the re-use of previously developed land within the urban area, in full accord with the provisions of local and national policy.