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TP Editorial Team

Stratford consults on Site Allocations Plan

Stratford-On-Avon District Council is currently seeking comments on its Site Allocations Document which, when approved, will sit alongside the Core Strategy.

The Council are proposing the following:

  • Shakespeare’s Birthplace/Gateway Cultural Quarter in Stratford-upon-Avon. This is to kick-start the rejuvenation of this part of the town centre for public realm improvements and a greater mix of leisure-led uses to establish a new cultural quarter for Stratford-upon-Avon.

  • Quinton Rail Technology Centre. It is proposed to allocate the former Long Marston Depot site for a railway-related research and development.

  • A46 Safeguarding. The consultation identifies and proposes three locations along the A46 which are to be safeguarded from other forms of developments which may otherwise prevent the highway improvements.

  • Employment Exception Sites. Evidence suggests there is a shortage of available and affordable ‘sub-prime’ employment land; e.g. ‘second-hand’ premises and premises of less than 20,000 sqft. Proposals for employment development will be considered on their merits. Where such sites will be located outside of the built-up area of a settlement they should be located on the edge of, or in close proximity to, the settlement to meet a general or specific need for business floorspace and employment. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate that there are not suitable and/or available sites within the built-up area.

The deadline for making comments is 18th March.

Thereafter, the Council will continue to work toward its Site Allocations Document – the whole document is due for a further consultation this summer, and examination in front of a government Inspector next winter.

If you have any sites which may be affected and/ or would like assistance in making representations to the Plan, please do contact us.

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