Solihull Local Plan Review: Update
A revised timetable for publication of the Submission Draft version of the Solihull Local Plan Review is being put to Solihull’s Cabinet for their consideration on Thursday 7th December 2017. The Council’s previous timetable has slipped and the following is now proposed:
Summer/autumn 2018 - publication of Submission Draft (for consultation)
Winter 2018/19 - Submission of Local Plan to Secretary of State
Spring 2019 - Examination of Local Plan by Planning Inspectorate
Summer 2019 – Proposed adoption of the Local Plan Review
The main reasons put forward for the delay in preparation of the Solihull Local Plan Review are that Solihull MBC are:
awaiting the final report commissioned by the 14 local authorities in their Housing Market Area, which will identify specific options and broad locations for addressing the shortfall in housing land to accommodate 37,500 dwellings between 2011 and 2031 - that report is anticipated in early 2018;
aiming to use a new national standard methodology for calculating housing need which it is anticipated will be incorporated into a revised National Planning Policy Framework due in spring 2018. It is expected that local plans submitted for examination after 31st March 2018 will need to use the new standard methodology; and
still working on preparing draft concept masterplans for proposed development site allocations and these will need to be shared with Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums for their views to feed into the ‘work in progress’ before publication for consultation.
A link to the Cabinet report can be found HERE.
If you would like any more information on the Local Plan Review, please contact our Policy Team on 0121 744 5511.