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TP Editorial Team

Community Infrastructure Levy Update - Stratford and Warwick

Stratford on Avon District Council

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is proposing to adopt its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule at the Full Council Meeting on 11th December and will be implementing the new charges early in the New Year.

The Submission Charging Schedule was subject to Public Examination in September 2016, and the Examiner’s report was received on 4 September 2017. With some exceptions, which include affordable and self-build housing as well as charitable development, planning applications for residential and retail development determined after the date that CIL is adopted would be liable for the charge. The submission Charging Schedule confirms individual charges on their residential allocations at Long Marston Airfield (£75/sqm), Canal Quarter Regeneration ((£85/sqm) and Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath (£110/sqm). Within other parts of the District a charge of £75/sqm would apply for residential development of small sites (10 dwellings or less) and £150/sqm for larger schemes. Out of Centre retail development would be charged at £120/sqm. Warwick District Warwick District Council has notified applicants and agents of planning applications currently with the local authority that it is proposing to adopt and implement its CIL at the Full Council Meeting on 20th November following receipt of the Examiner’s Report. The Council submitted the CIL Charging Schedule for independent examination in April 2017 but has provided no further updates on its website. Once further information are available, we will update our website accordingly.

If you have any queries or questions about the proposed adoption of CIL in either the areas of Stratford-on-Avon District or Warwick District please do not hesitate to contact us.

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