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Permission granted for 11 new dwellings in Knowle

TP Editorial Team

We are delighted to have obtained planning permission for the conversion of existing dwelling and outbuildings, including minor demolition and extension works and the use of an existing annexe as an independent dwelling, to form 11 new residential properties, at a Green Belt site in Smiths Lane, near Knowle, Solihull.

Tyler Parkes submitted that the proposal does not constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt because it would comprise a combination of the re-use of existing buildings and the extension and replacement of existing buildings. It was clear that there would be no greater impact upon the openness of the Green Belt arising from these proposals and no conflict with the purposes of including land therein. The Council accepted that there is no Green Belt, or indeed other policy objection to the proposals.

In detailed terms, the alterations required to facilitate the re-use of these existing buildings were carefully designed by Tyler Parkes’ architectural team to be sympathetic to their general style and appearance, presenting an attractive and appropriate development.

The application was subsequently approved at the Council’s planning committee and the decision notice issued last week following the completion of the Section 106 agreement in respect of affordable housing.

Tyler Parkes are delighted to have been instrumental in achieving this excellent result for their client.


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