Solihull calls for Brownfield Sites
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council is calling for submissions of brownfield land sites until Monday 31st July which follows on from the Government’s introduction of a statutory requirement on Local Planning Authorities to publish and maintain a Brownfield Land Register by the end of the year.
The Register is a list of sites that are previously developed and suitable for residential development. The list is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
The Council has confirmed that submitted sites should be brownfield only and should be at least 0.25 ha in size or capable of providing at least 5 dwellings, although smaller sites may also be considered. The Council has stated that land to be included on the register must, in their opinion, be considered suitable, available and achievable. The sites will be required to meet the definition of previously developed land as stated in the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework.
It is also confirmed by the Council that sites that have been previously submitted to them via the ‘Call for sites’ and include areas which would be considered previously developed brownfield land, would need to be submitted again for consideration in the Brownfield Land Register.
If you have a site in the Borough that would fall under the definition of a brownfield site and would like it to be put forward for the brownfield land register, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information