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Planning Permission granted for conversion of pub to dwelling

TP Editorial Team

The Tyler Parkes team is delighted to have obtained planning permission for the conversion of a former public house, known as the White Lion Inn, in the town centre of Atherstone, into a residential dwelling.

The site lies within the Atherstone Conservation Area and had been used as a public house for many years, but latterly had trading difficulties, seeing a succession of short-term licensees. It eventually closed approx. 6 months ago and marketing afterwards proved difficult with no interest from the trade.

The scheme proposes the conversion of the pub into a substantial single dwelling with four bedrooms mainly comprising internal alterations. There will be no significant alterations to the exterior, apart from new painting and replacement of two rear windows.

The site occupies an important position at the edge of the town centre, but it is located outside the Core Shopping Frontage of Atherstone. It has a very attractive rear garden and is located in a very sustainable location.

Public Houses are regarded as community facilities and in some cases may be identified as community assets where their loss is likely to harm the vitality of a settlement. The officer agreed with our argument that sufficient evidence was provided to show that there was no interest in the building from the trade to continue as a public house and that there are a number of other public houses within Atherstone which are of more importance. The proposal therefore complied with saved policy COM2 of the North Warwickshire Local Plan which seeks to protect land and buildings for existing community facilities within market towns. Subsequently planning permission was granted subject to conditions.


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