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TP Editorial Team

Tyler Parkes Win Appeal for New Dwelling in Lapworth Green Belt

We are pleased to confirm that planning permission has been granted at appeal for a new 3-bedroom dwelling in the Green Belt on Church Lane in Lapworth.

The appeal site lies within an established stretch of built-up frontage, consisting predominantly of large detached houses. It forms part of the substantial garden of an existing detached property and proposes to share the existing access with the adjacent property ‘Spinaway’. The appeal proposal involves the retention of ‘Spinaway’, with the plot subdivided to accommodate the new house.

The application was refused by Warwick District Council with the reason that the site is located in an unsustainable location. However, the Inspector agreed with our arguments that:

• the Council would be unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply; • the proposal would not give rise to any conflict with Green Belt policies as it represents limited infilling in a village; • the proposal would comply with Policy H11 of the Warwick Local Plan being within the village envelope; and • the dwelling would support local services.

These arguments were considered to carry more weight than the recognition that occupiers would be likely to use a car for most of their day to day journeys, therefore the appeal was allowed and planning permission was granted

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