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TP Editorial Team

Nine new dwellings approved in Winyates Green

The Tyler Parkes team has successfully obtained planning permission subject to the completion of a Section106 Agreement for the erection of 9 dwellings on land at Far Moor Lane in Winyates Green in Redditch.

The site is located within the built up area of Redditch to the eastern side of Far Moor Lane. Immediately to the north the site is adjoined by a Grade II Listed dwelling ‘LowerHouse’, this northern boundary being well screened by existing mature trees and hedges. The site itself currently comprises of a paddock with a detached garage/ workshop, a number of mature trees and a pond situated in the eastern corner.

The scheme proposes the erection of nine dwellings with a variety of house types and architectural features of a bespoke design to reflect the relationship with the adjacent listed building. An informal, attractive open space area around the existing pond will be provided to the south of Lower House in order to maintain a natural spacing between the listed building and the proposed dwellings.

Access will be provided off Far Moor Lane which has adequate visibility into both directions.

The site was originally proposed as an area of development constraint in the previous Local Plan. This allocation however was removed within the Pre-submission document of the emerging Borough of Redditch Local Plan. However, when the Council subsequently published the submission document, the site was erroneously allocated as open space which would have prevented any residential development. We drew the Council’s attention to this mistake which they quickly rectified, thus establishing that the principle of development was acceptable, the site being confirmed as unallocated land adjacent to a housing allocation in the very recently adopted Redditch Local Plan.

Various concerns raised at a late stage by the Highway Authority were addressed in order to demonstrate that there were no highway objections.

Tyler Parkes worked closely with the planning officer to ensure that all issues were identified and addressed, and subject to the completion of a Section106 Agreement which will include an off-site contribution for affordable housing, the scheme was subsequently approved at the Council’s Planning Committee

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