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TP Editorial Team

Planning Permission for Mercedes Benz of Hull

The Tyler Parkes team is delighted to have successfully obtained planning permission for the replacement of the showroom and the re-cladding of the existing building at the Mercedes Benz car dealership in Hull on behalf of our client Listers Group Ltd.

The site is located on Saxon Way, within the Priory Park West Business Park, approx. 4 miles to the west of Hull City Centre. The existing showroom on this site was built in the 1980s. However, it does not provide adequate facilities for the retailing of a modern car dealership.

The scheme proposes the replacement of the showroom, providing a new handover bay to enhance the customer experience, and providing new finishes and cladding to the existing workshop. In addition to the showroom replacement, the scheme proposes additional enhancements to the exterior of the building. The successful scheme has been designed by Taylor Design architects.

Although the site is located within Flood Risk Zones 2 and 3, we successfully argued that no Flood Risk Assessment would be required as the use would not be classed as vulnerable. This was accepted by the Local Planning Authority and planning permission granted accordingly.

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