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Permission for New Apartment Scheme on Whitefields Road

TP Editorial Team

The Tyler Parkes team has successfully obtained planning permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling house and the erection of a replacement building containing 5 apartments on the attractive Whitefields Road close to the town centre of Solihull on behalf of our client Romford Homes Ltd.

The proposal represents the re-development of the site to create additional residential units and will continue to use the existing access with parking on the existing forecourt. All 5 apartments would have 2 bedrooms. The apartment on the second floor is larger in size and would benefit from additional accommodation. The ground-floor apartments are proposed to have direct access to the rear garden, but all units have the benefit of the private amenity space to the rear.

The planning officer recommended approval, however, due to an objection from a local councillor and a large number of objections from local residents, including a petition containing over 200 signatures, the application was referred to Solihull’s planning committee. The local councillor, as well as two neighbours, spoke against the proposal. In response, Gail Collins, Director at Tyler Parkes addressed the Committee, drawing attention to the fact that officers considered that there would be no adverse impact on neighbours, there were no statutory objections to the proposal and it would be compliant with all relevant policies of the Solihull Local Plan, providing new housing that will contribute to the current housing supply shortfall in the Borough . The application was subsequently approved by the Planning Committee, subject to conditions.


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