Success for 47 Dwellings in Longford Near Coventry
We are delighted to announce that the Tyler Parkes team has successfully obtained planning permission subject to the completion of a Section106 agreement for our client Premium Estates for a new residential development comprising 47 dwellings on the land to the rear of 30-52 Burbages Lane in Longford to the north of Coventry. The site is located in close proximity to a variety of amenities including schools and public transport. The existing residential development along Burbages Lane has a mixed character with mainly interwar period semi and detached houses and bungalows. The site mainly consists of former garden land, however, due to the length of the gardens many properties choose only to maintain a smaller area and the site became overgrown and unused. Part of the site is located within the Green Belt which will be become an attractive wild life corridor. The site drops down from Burbages Lane to the A444 and provides views across fields to the adjacent industrial units in Silverstone Drive. During the processing of the application, we stayed in close contact with the local planning authority and provided supporting statements and information. The application was duly approved under delegated powers at the planning committee of Nuneaton and Bedworth.