Update to South Warwickshire Local Plan – including Call for Sites
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are working together to produce a new South Warwickshire Local Plan to cover their combined geographic area.
Having previously undertaken a Call for Sites in May/June 2021, the Councils are undertaking an 8-week long Issues and Options Consultation and Call for Sites, between Monday 9 January - Monday 6 March 2023. The Issues and Options consultation will provide a second opportunity for interested parties to have their say on the emerging Local Plan and will include planning policy issues and the proposed policy options to address them.
The consultation document will also set out broad options for consideration as to where best to accommodate new development, including new housing and commercial development, within the emerging Local Plan.
The Call for Sites will provide the opportunity to promote sites to the Councils for potential inclusion within the final version of the Local Plan.
If you would like more information on the Local Plan Consultation, or have land interests in the South Warwickshire area, Tyler Parkes would be happy to discuss such matters and assist with any site promotion. You can contact our Planning Policy colleagues on 0121 744 5511.