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Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick Councils First Step Towards a Joint ‘South Warwickshire’ Local Plan

TP Editorial Team

Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils have joined forces to produce a joint Local Plan, the ‘South Warwickshire Local Plan’ which will cover the period up to 2050. The joint plan, once adopted, will replace many of the policies within the Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy, 2016 and the Warwick Local Plan, 2017. The Councils are carrying out an initial ‘Scoping’ consultation seeking views about what issues the new Local Plan should cover and the approach which should be taken to tackle these issues. In particular, it seeks views on where in South Warwickshire new development should be located and how best to accommodate growth.

As part of the evidence work which will inform the joint Local Plan, the Districts are conducting a ‘Call for Sites’ inviting details of potential development sites to be submitted for assessment. Therefore, now is the time to let the Councils know about any sites which you may wish to promote for residential, employment or any other development opportunity. Tyler-Parkes would, of course, be happy to assist in the site submission process and can provide a fee quotation for this work on request.

The closing date for representations on the Scoping document and site submissions in response to the ‘Call for Sites’ is Monday 21st June 2021.


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