South Worcestershire Development Plan Consultation
The councils of Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council (the South Worcestershire Councils) are currently consulting on the publication version of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. This final draft of the Plan has been informed by earlier consultation responses received during the Issues and Options consultation in November 2018 and the Preferred Options consultation in November 2019 and updated technical evidence. This is the last public consultation on the Plan prior to it being submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent Examination
The Plan includes the South Worcestershire Council’s proposed strategic and development management policies, as well as specific sites proposed for allocation for residential, residential-led mixed-use and employment land uses. A Policies Map has been published as part of this consultation, which indicates geographically the application of the policies in the Plan.
The consultation begins on 1 November 2022 and closes on 13 December 2022. This Regulation 19 consultation is specifically seeking views on the following:
• Legal Compliance – does the plan meet the legal requirements made under relevant legislation?
• Soundness – has the plan been positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy?
The consultation Plan is supported by two important documents - the Publication Draft Sustainability Appraisal and the Publication Draft Habitat Regulations Assessment and representations are also welcomed on these two documents as part of the consultation. There are also other topic-based documents within the wider Evidence Base.
The Plan and supporting documents can be viewed here -
If you would like more information on the Plan, or have land interests in the South Worcestershire area, please contact us.