South Warwickshire Local Plan: Update
Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick District Councils are jointly preparing the South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP). The SWLP will set out the long-term strategy for housing, employment, infrastructure and climate change and across both Districts. Once adopted, the SWLP will replace the existing Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy and Warwick Local Plan and will set the planning policies against which future development proposals will be determined.
In June of last year, the Councils published a Scoping Report which set out what they considered to be the key issues and challenges that the Local Plan should address and sought feedback on these. The Council also undertook a ‘Call for Sites’, inviting landowners and developers to suggest land that could be allocated for future development.
The joint Councils have now published a Consultation Statement which summarises the responses they received to the Scoping Report and prepared an online viewer identifying all the sites that have been put forward, albeit they do not appraise the sites at this time. These can both be found on the SWLP website:
The SWLP is at a very early stage and not programmed to be adopted until June-December 2025. However, the next stage in the SWLP is consultation on the Issues and Options which is programmed for July-October 2022.
Tyler Parkes advises landowners, developers and interested parties to engage with the Local Plan process, as this is the opportunity to shape planning policy for the area.
(Source: South Warwickshire Local Plan website)
If you need any planning advice on the Local Plan, please give call our Policy Team on 0121 744 5511 or email