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South Staffordshire Local Plan Consultation

Gail Collins

South Staffordshire Council are now consulting on their Publication Plan (also known as a pre-submission plan) version of their emerging Local Plan, which once adopted will replace the Council’s current Core Strategy and Site Allocations Document. This will be the final stage of consultation before the plan is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent Examination in Public.

The Publication Plan includes the Council’s proposed strategic and development management policies, as well as site allocations for new housing, employment, and gypsy and traveller pitches. A Policies Map has been published as part of this consultation, which identifies the allocated sites.

The consultation began on Friday 11 November 2022 and closes at midday on Friday 23 December 2022. This Regulation 19 consultation is specifically seeking views on the following:

• Legal Compliance – does the plan meet the legal requirements made under relevant legislation?

• Soundness – has the plan been positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy?

The Publication Plan and supporting documents can be viewed via the following link:

There are five online Q&A sessions, as well as five in-person consultation events, planned where Council officers will be available, by appointment, to meet and discuss the Plan and the next steps. Details of these events can be viewed via the following link:

If you would like more information on the Plan, or have land interests in the South Staffordshire area, please contact us.


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