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TP Editorial Team

Solihull Local Plan Review - Draft Submission Plan October 2020

Solihull Council has produced a Draft Submission Plan for the Solihull Local Plan Review Process which, once approved by Full Council, will be published (it is anticipated by the end of October 2020), for a consultation period of 6 weeks, when representations can be made.

The submission Draft Plan contains a strategy and policies setting out the level and distribution of growth.

Its key proposals are:

  • Approximately 15,000 dwellings over the plan period (2020-2036);

  • A policy to support development at the UK Central Solihull Hub Area, to create a mixed community providing up to 5,000 homes and jobs in the long term, with some 2,400 homes during the plan period;

  • 19 residential led proposed allocations;

  • The delivery of quality developments on the allocated sites through concept masterplans;

  • An additional 9ha of employment land;

  • The release of 574ha of land from the Green Belt;

  • Environmental and accessibility improvements to land that remains in the Green Belt to compensate for land released;

  • All new dwellings will be required to achieve a 30% reduction in energy demand/carbon reduction improvement (over and above Buildings Regulations Part L 2013);

  • A requirement for biodiversity net gain to achieve a 10% gain in biodiversity value of sites prior to development; and

  • A balanced approach to transport interventions to promote the use of public transport modes.

Following the expiry of the consultation period, the Council will submit the Local Plan to the Secretary of State for a period of public examination.

If you would like anymore information, contact our Planning Policy team on 0121 744 5511.


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