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Birmingham consults on new Local Plan

Gail Collins

Birmingham City Council has begun a six-week public consultation on the Birmingham Local Plan Issues and Options Document (from Monday 24th October 2022). The Birmingham Local Plan will be the statutory planning framework for the whole city and will guide planning decisions on all development and regeneration activity up to 2042. Once adopted it will replace the Birmingham Development Plan (2017) setting out how housing, employment provision and infrastructure will be developed and the type of places and environments that will be created.

The consultation document acknowledges that the existing Birmingham Development Plan, the Aston, Newtown, Lozells Area Action Plan (2012) and Longbridge Area Action Plan (2009) were all adopted before recent changes were introduced to national planning policy. The Council confirm that they need an up-to-date Plan that will guide the City through the next 20 years and respond to the new challenges and opportunities the city faces.

The Issues and Options document is the first stage in the process of the Council developing the Birmingham Local Plan, with consultation currently taking place on the issues facing the growth and development of Birmingham over the coming years and the planning options to deal with those issues. The Council are still running a Call for Sites, so there is an opportunity to submit site suggestions for development through the Birmingham Local Plan preparation process.

The Council is inviting views and comments as part of a formal public consultation. The consultation will close on Monday 5th December 2022.


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