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Approval for Kings Heath Apartments

John Baggott

We are delighted to have obtained full planning permission for our Clients, BN Kaushal Ltd, for the erection of a new development consisting of 17 apartments in the popular South Birmingham suburb of Kings Heath.

The approved development will see the demolition of an existing two storey commercial building fronting the High Street, and the erection of a pair of three storey buildings, one fronting High Street and the other fronting Valentine Road. The approved apartment buildings are of a traditional appearance, reflecting the architecture in the local area, and the design is in keeping with nearby designated heritage assets. A communal landscaped garden area and secure off-street parking are also provided. This is a highly sustainable location, in immediate proximity to a full range of shops and services and existing, and future, public transport.

Working in conjunction with Axis Design Architects Ltd, Tyler Parkes Partnership has taken the lead on all planning and related matters in respect of the application, liaising with other specialist consultants throughout, and has successfully presented the case for this new high quality residential development.

The application and its successful outcome followed pre-application engagement with Birmingham City Council Officers, which continued throughout the Officers’ consideration of the application, working closely with the Council’s City Design Officers and Axis Design Architects Ltd to finalise the design and appearance of the apartment buildings.

The application was approved under Officer delegated powers, and we very much look forward to seeing the development built which will be a positive addition to the High Street.


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