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Permission for new houses in Coventry

Gail Collins

We are delighted to have secured a further permission for 3 houses near Allesley, Coventry. The scheme involves the demolition of the existing dwelling house and outbuildings on the site and the erection of 3 new detached dwellings, 2 of which are to be built to the rear, with a new access road. Our client, a private homeowner, currently lives in the house on the frontage of the site.

We considered the proposal an efficient use of a brownfield site, in a sustainable location. Our in-house Architectural team designed an appropriate scheme in character with the area. The Council’s Planning Officer fully agreed with our submission.

During the processing of the application, we liaised closely with the Planning Officer and responded to any queries when raised, including the queries of the Council’s Ecologist. Our Ecologist’s report confirmed that the site is occupied by well-maintained built structures and heavily managed and disturbed gardens, and whilst it had supported nesting swallows in the nesting season, no other protected or notable species were recorded. Our Ecologist’s report recommended new nesting opportunities be incorporated within the design, and our Client was very happy to accept a condition on the planning permission to that effect.

The Council considered the proposal to be fully in accordance with the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019) and the policies of the adopted Coventry Local Plan, and granted planning permission under delegated powers within 8 week period for decision.

If you have a site that you would like Tyler Parkes to appraise for you in terms of potential development opportunities, please do get in touch with our Planning Team.

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