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  • John Baggott

Green Belt Medical Centre supported by Solihull Council

Tyler Parkes is delighted to have helped secure the support of Solihull Council for the erection of a new 2,800 sq.m. state of the art Medical Centre located within the Green Belt to the east of Marston Green, on behalf of Marston Medical Ltd.

This is an exciting £8M project, which will deliver a brand new highly sustainable, BREEAM rated “Excellent”, future-proofed Medical Centre offering a wide range of medical services and facilities. This will include MRI and scanning, as well as facilities to undertake minor operations, in-line with the Government’s drive to ease pressure and demand upon the major hospitals. This will be of significant benefit to existing and future patients of the existing Medical Practice, as the population of Marston Green continues to grow on the back of significant levels of new house building in and around the Village.

Working with Bundred and Goode Architects, VC Associates and the Partners at Marston Green Medical Practice as part of a larger Project Team, Tyler Parkes has taken the lead on all planning matters in respect of this full planning application.

We successfully presented the compelling and demonstrable case for a new Medical Centre to serve the Marston Green community against the backdrop of the national and local Green Belt policy and other local green space policies.

Council Planning Officers ultimately agreed with the case presented, following some amendments to the scheme, and were satisfied that the demonstrable need for the Medical Centre, and the benefits to the local economy, amounted to material considerations which outweighed the conflicts with national and local planning policy and that very special circumstances existed to justify the grant of planning permission despite the Green Belt location.

Solihull Planning Committee unanimously resolved to Approve our Client’s planning application at its Planning Committee on 13th February 2019, subject to referral to the National Planning Casework unit, due to the scale of development in the Green Belt.

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