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Permission for new Burger King in Dudley

Gareth Jones

Tyler Parkes is delighted to have obtained planning approval for their clients, Stoford Properties Ltd., for a new Burger King restaurant/ ‘drive thru’ on a vacant plot at the Castlegate Business Park, Dudley, on the eastern edge of the town centre.

The principle of the development at the site had been established by the grant of outline planning permission for A3 restaurant/takeaways and a Class A4 public house in August 2015, under which an adjacent ‘Hungry Horse’ public house, a separate Costa Coffee and a KFC unit have since been developed.

During 2016 Tyler Parkes engaged in pre-application discussions with the Council in respect of detailed matters including design and visual appearance, highways and vehicle movements, deliveries, and landscaping. Subsequently, the highways aspects of the proposal were addressed to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority and the application was accompanied by a Transport Statement which included a Delivery & Service Management Plan. Whilst the original design was changed to include some ‘tower’ features and amended elevations, it continued to reflect the brand’s requirements.

The successful scheme was designed by Tamworth based architects Building Design Group Ltd.

Following this, an application for reserved matters approval was submitted in August 2018. Tyler Parkes dealt successfully with various queries which arose during the determination period, and the scheme was subsequently approved on 23rd October.


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