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  • TP Editorial Team

Tamworth ‘Call for Sites’ now open

Tamworth Borough Council is updating their Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and has started a ‘call for sites’ asking landowners, developers and agents to put forward sites that are suitable for development. The consultation is open from 27th June until 24th August 2018.

The Council confirms that any previous submitted sites would need to be submitted again to be considered for inclusion in the updated document in order to be able to disregard sites that are no longer available and to have up-to-date contact details.

Sites can either be submitted via the Council’s dedicated website or via email. It will be important to submit a plan clearly showing the available land and any further details that are known.

If you have any land within the Tamworth area and would like assistance with the submission or have any questions regarding the ‘Call for Sites’, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 744 5511.

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