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Permission granted for estate roads within the Cotswolds AONB

TP Editorial Team

We are delighted with the outcome of a planning application we submitted on behalf of our clients, Farncombe Estate, who own the listed Foxhill Manor and the Fish Hotel, near Broadway in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The application was partly retrospective, seeking permission for an existing road and a proposed new estate road. Both roads are located within the local authority area of Wychavon District Council, on the border with Cotswold District Council.

The Council threatened enforcement action due to the existing road being built without permission and on an area partly covered by a Tree Preservation Order a few years ago. We argued that both of the estate roads are essential for safe access to the Farncombe Estate, which includes the hotels, restaurants and offices. Currently traffic into and leaving the estate only uses one narrow and private access road. With the increase in traffic to serve the uses on the Estate, it has become more and more dangerous when vehicles pass. This proposal addresses highway safety issue by allowing two-way traffic on two separate lanes.

Farncombe Estate makes a significant contribution to the local economy and is of great importance to local tourism. The provision of the estate roads will provide for safer access to the site. The continued tourism use of the Estate will deliver additional benefits to the local economy, in terms of direct and indirect benefits through tourism supporting the use of other facilities within the area such as local shops, restaurants and attractions.

The planning officer officer agreed with our view that the proposal is compliant with national and local planning policies and accordingly granted planning permission.


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