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  • TP Editorial Team

Success at Grade I listed Knowle Church

We have been delighted to receive confirmation that the Planning Inspectorate has agreed with our appeal, made on behalf of Knowle Parochial Church Council, and quashed an Enforcement Notice issued against GRP rainwater goods installed at the Grade I listed Knowle Parish Church.

Solihull MBC issued the Enforcement Notice further to the Church suffering the theft of its lead rainwater goods and replacing them with GRP as a non-metal alternative.

The appeal was supported by our detailed Statement of Case which referenced specialist reports by Cotswold Archaeology and West Midlands Police.

The Inspector confirmed that the GRP rainwater goods are unobjectionable in scale, design and form. He agreed with our case that when assessed against the building as a whole, given the building’s scale, principal features, the limited extent of the GRP goods, and notwithstanding the building’s listed status and its location within a conservation area, the GRP rainwater goods did not amount to ‘development’ requiring planning permission. Planning permission was not required for the retention of the GRP rainwater goods – hence the quashing the Enforcement Notice

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